Tuesday at 2:00pm with Russ

It's Tuesday at 2:00pm! (PST Time: I live and work from Southern California)

Greetings to you!

Each week I send out a short leadership blog that's called "Tuesday at 2:00pm". The purpose of this is simply to provide a brief thought on leadership that you can read and think about in just a few minutes. I send it out every week at 2:00pm (PST) and encourage you to make an appointment with yourself to pause and think about the thing I'm writing about.



"Don't be afraid of conflict: Trust is built in the way you lead through these times". Russ Cline

What does this stir up? Either write me HERE or comment at the end of the blog post HERE.


Well, I had a birthday milestone this month and turned 60 years old. I don't think it's that traumatic, however being whisked away to a beach in Mexico by my wife for a few days helped a lot!

60 Years.

This month, I want to share some things that I've learned over the years by sharing some interpretations of some great quotes. I realize that nothing is really new, we just share ideas in new and fresh ways and it cycles around again and again. There is still much to learn from these ideas that have been around for a long time, so I'm going to share my top 4 quotes/ideas that I keep coming back to over and over again.

I think I've learned a lot about conflict from one of my favorite authors, Patrick Lencioni. He said things like:

"On a team, trust is all about vulnerability."

"Trust is knowing that when a team member does push you, they're doing it because they care about the team."

"When there is trust, conflict becomes nothing but the pursuit of truth."

And it was Max Lucado who said:

"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional."

I have been on a journey learning about my personal tolerance for conflict and my leadership style around conflict, and it has been in transition all of the years I've had the privilege to lead.

Early on, I was a "conflict avoider" and I hated conflict.

I then learned over time that conflict is not always a negative thing, but it can also be a constructive and defining thing.

Where are you on the conflict continuum? Do you "avoid conflict"? Do you engage in "destructive conflict" or are you someplace in the middle?


My friend Phil taught me a lot about how to manage conflict. Before we worked together, I:

  • Avoided Conflict

  • I felt conflict would HURT a team culture

  • I was unsure how to LEAD through conflict

  • I hadn't had much experience with "CONSTRUCTIVE" conflict

Phil taught me this:

  • We can DISAGREE and still be friends

  • In working through conflict, we often came up with BETTER outcomes

  • TRUST was built and strengthened during times of intense conflict

  • Our TEAM worked better when we addressed conflict together

Thinking back on some early leadership experiences I had, I wish I had the benefit of a lifetime of lessons to draw on. I would have done so many things differently, but this is how we grow.

What are you afraid of in conflict? What is the most difficult part of it?


Things I'm Reading, Listening To and Watching This Week:

  • Patrick Lencioni's book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a must read for anyone who wants to learn more about conflict & trust.

  • We had a great time in Paso Robles, California this past weekend attending the wedding of friends. Really enjoyed exploring the area.

  • I enjoyed listening to a great collection of Mumford & Sons on Apple Essentials. Really good music

  • I use a Marriott Bonvoy Card to earn points at Marriott Properties. It's been a great source of free nights over the past few years. Check out the card HERE.

  • We just held the 18th Annual Global Leadership Summit for the Leader Mundial Community. We have set the dates of March 13th - 18th, 2025 for our next Global Summit. Information will be available on August 1st, 2024 and we'll begin taking applications for Leaders & Coaches who wish to participate!

Source: www.leadermundial.org